What Do We Hope To Achieve?
We believe education offers hope and that hope will be essential as we respond to the Climate Emergency. Our goal is to work together as scientists and teachers to realise that hope. We hope that our work will inspire and support others who share our belief in the awesome potential of education.

Our Community
Next Act is a community of scientists, teachers and education researchers who, like many, are acutely aware of the existential challenges that Climate Change poses and the need for meaningful responses.
Anne Kearns
School of Education, UCD
Cathy Davis
Science, Biology, Teacher
Chris Burbidge
Geoscientist, iGRAG
Chris Chapman
Facilitator Burren College of Art
Clare Patten
Green Schools, An Taisce
Conor Eivers
Science and Maths Teacher
Declan Cathcart
Science and Biology Teacher; Teacher Educator, UCD
Eamonn O’Brien
Student Teacher
Eddie Ferns
Sustainability for Education
Eloise Rogers
Communications Officer, iCRAG
Elspeth Sinclair
Education and Engagement Officer, iCRAG
Fergus McAuliffe
Communications and Engagement Manager, iCRAG
Geertje Schuitema
Ass. Prof, School of Business, UCD
Gillian Cleary
Student Teacher
John Doody
Energy Institute, UCD
Karoline Uhlemann
Biology, Chemistry Teacher
Koen Torremans
Geoscientist, iGRAG
Lisa Darley
Chemistry, Physics Teacher
Lucy Nyland
Maths Teacher
Maeve Boland
Geoscience Policy, Comm. & Public Affairs Specialist, iCRAG
Martin Hawkes
Burren College of Art
Michael Fiorentini
Biology, Science Teacher
Natalia Garcia
Educational Researcher, TCD
Niamh O Neill
Education Officer, Castlecomber Discovery Park
Noah Finkelstein
Prof at the Centre of STEM Learning, Colorado
Patrick Kirwin
Irish Schools Sustainability Network
Phil Reiger
Geoscientist, iGRAG
Phoebe Young
Prof Enviro. History, Colorado
Rachel Linney
Education Officer NCCA
Ro Atkin
Teacher Educator, UCD
Rob Farrelly
Designer, Post Studio
Seamus Knox
Teacher Educator, UCD
Serena O'Connor
Maths, Physics, Teacher
Susan Adams
Sustainability for Education
Susan Andrews
German, Philosophy Teacher